New Florence Hill Interpretation Panels

21 Feb 2022

Funding Stories

The Catlins Coast Incorporated is a small proactive group that promotes the economic, social and physical wellbeing of the residents of the Catlins. The group works alongside other local community groups to support and assist with the management of local projects. 

In late 2019 a project came to the groups attention which was to replace the Florence Hill Interpretation panels. The original interpretation panels which were first erected in 2012 were becoming ‘faded’ and weather worn, making it difficult for visitors to learn more about the local history of Florence Hill.

The replacement of the panels also provided an opportunity to update the content covered and ensure bilingual (Māori) language was used for place and wildlife names. New photos were also added along with the Catlins Coast Incorporated (CCI) logo and map and the Care Code the group have established for the area. 

The panels went through a robust consultation with Awarua Runanga and other relevant organisations, community and local groups/residents, enabling an opportunity to revise all the information and include some new and additional information.

Otago Community Trust supported the project via a $1,500 grant and it is pleasing to learn that the new panels now display clear and consistent information which is easy to read, informing and educating visitors on how to care for The Catlins and educate them on the part they play in the protection of the area.

Florence Hill Lookout is the perfect place to escape and see Tautuku Beach and experience the panoramic views. It is also a great spot to see the southern lights.

For those looking for a weekend escape - Florence Hill Lookout is located southwest of Papatowai, in the heart of The Catlins. Thanks to the proactive work of The Catlins Coast Incorporated, a grant from Otago Community Trust and volunteer support from the community, Florence Hill Lookout now has vibrant new interpretation panels.