Impact for Tamariki and Rangatahi Fund

Intention of the Fund

Through this fund, the Trust intends to support the community to make a genuine impact for our tamariki and rangatahi. We aspire to an Otago where all tamariki and rangatahi are valued, accepted and empowered to lead fulfilled lives, where they are healthy, happy and their wellbeing is nurtured.

The fund will provide a small number of high investment grants with a focus on:

  • Projects that have the potential to be game changing and deliver long term intergenerational change.
  • Projects that put tamariki, rangatahi and whānau at the centre.
  • Strong relationships and trust between the Trust and organisations.
  • Building capability of the funded organisations.

The 2024 budget for the fund is approximately $2,000,000

Details of the Fund

  • We are looking for projects that will have a big impact and are aiming for intergenerational change. We encourage you to think big and be brave, (almost) nothing is off the table.
  • We expect organisations to establish genuine collaborations both with the Trust and other partners.
  • We expect most grants will be multi-year, at least 2 years.
  • We will consider funding up to 100% of the project budget. However, we would prefer to see at least some funding or contributions from elsewhere as this demonstrates engagement and collaboration with other partners.
  • The project could be a new idea or to scale up an existing programme or somewhere in between. However, this funding is not for business as usual or your normal operational costs.
  • The fund will consider all costs linked to project delivery.
  • The fund may also consider funding capability development costs for your organisation, in addition to project costs.

Who can Apply

  • An incorporated society or charitable trust.
  • A limited liability company fully owned by one of the above and operating for charitable purposes.
  • State funded education provider.
  • Local Authority.
  • Marae, Rūnaka or other Māori authority.
  • Organisations that are operating in our funding boundary which is the provincial district of Otago. Information on our funding boundary can be found HERE.

The Trust, at its full discretion, may accept applications from for-profit social enterprises who fit the funding criteria.

Fund Criteria

Applications must:

  • Align with the Otago Community Trust’s Tamariki and Rangatahi Strategy.
  • Demonstrate a genuine collaboration with partners and with tamariki and rangatahi. We take this seriously, we expect more than just letters of support, we want to understand exactly how you will work with your partners and how young people are involved in guiding the work.
  • Be for the primary benefit of tamariki and rangatahi aged 0-24 years. This may include a whole of whānau approach.
  • Benefit tamariki and rangatahi in one or more of the following groups:
    o Māori
    o Pasifika
    o former refugees
    o new migrants
    o members of the Rainbow community
    o those experiencing mental health issues
    o those living with disability
    o those living rurally or in isolation
    o those facing hardship
  • Apply a positive youth development approach.
  • Be supported by evidence or by a well-reasoned theory of change.
  • Show a commitment to working with the Otago Community Trust on this mahi. The Trust expects to enter a two-way relationship with organisations under this funding in support of the communities we both serve.
  • Have a strong project proposal including evaluation, the Trust can help with this, and will aim to keep it simple and manageable.
  • Not duplicate other services already available.
  • Be delivered within the Otago Community Trust funding area.


  • We encourage applications that are based on tikanga and kaupapa Māori principles.
  • Any capability development costs must be clearly linked to the project outcomes and/or demonstrate significant benefit to the sustainability and success of the organisation.

We Cannot Fund

  • Individuals.
  • For-profit organisations.
  • Scholarships or sponsorships.
  • Overseas travel for groups or individuals.
  • Capital funds, endowments or debt retirement.
  • Political parties or groups aligned with political parties.
  • Projects that are the responsibility of central or local Government.
  • Spiritual activities of religious organisations.
  • Advocacy groups.
  • Retrospective costs.
  • Core operational expense.
  • Loss of income.

Application Process

The application process will look a little different to the process for our other funds. The application process may not always be linear, but the Trust will do its best to minimise the hurdles. He waka eke noa, we will be on the journey together.
The expected application process is:

Step 1

Meet with Trust staff to discuss the project, if we think it’s a good fit, and it meets the criteria, we will support you to create a short Expression of Interest (EOI) which will demonstrate how your project meets the fund criteria. The EOI will be taken back to the Trust who will decide whether the project should progress to a full application or if we can connect you with another one of our funding streams or with another funder.

Step 2

If you are invited to apply to the Impact for Tamariki & Rangatahi Fund, Trust staff will support you to complete a full application. This may include working with external advisors to help create project plans and evaluation tools that are meaningful for the project.

Step 3

Trust staff will also discuss with you what other capability building needs your organisation may have that will support you to deliver your initiative.

Step 4

The Trust may offer up to $2,000, as either cash or in the form of access
to trusted advisors, to organisations that have progressed from EOI to full application. This funding is to support the development of their proposal and may be used to cover costs such as legal or financial advice or other costs associated with developing the application. We will also provide direct assistance to develop your proposal. This offer does not guarantee any further funding will be awarded.

Step 5

When ready, the full application will be taken to a Trustee board meeting. You will be invited to present your project to the board meeting and to answer any Trustee questions. Trustees will then make the final decision on the application.

Step 6

The whole process will likely take at least 3 months, but it may take more time depending on far along your idea is when you come to us.


Talk to us right from the start

We share your commitment to improving outcomes for tamariki and rangatahi and we view this fund as a partnership, so we encourage you to talk with us right from the beginning. We will not accept an application unless you have spoken to us first, in fact we expect that we will be able to help you develop your proposal if we think it’s a good fit. If you are successful, we will walk alongside you (at an appropriate distance) to help ensure success.

More Information

We trust you know your community and their needs, but we also know you may want an idea of where the Trust is coming from and what might be guiding our thinking. We encourage you to read the Impact for Youth Otago report which shares the voices of Otago youth stakeholders. Keep in mind this report was published before COVID-19, and the Trust appreciates that we now have additional needs in our community.

Download and Share: Impact for Tamariki & Rangatahi Fund Overview


For more information please contact:

Sue Stewart
Grants Manager
Phone: 0800 10 12 40