Tamariki & Rangatahi Sector Capability Fund

Purpose of the Fund:

The Tamariki & Rangatahi Sector Capability Fund is a part of the Otago Community Trust’s funding suite to support our Tamariki and Rangatahi Strategy. This Capability fund is designed to strengthen the tamariki and rangatahi (children and young people) sector to allow organisations to grow and succeed.

Key Dates: 

You can submit an application any time, but funding decisions will be made in two rounds with closing dates of 31st May and 30th October.

The outcomes will be announced late July and early December.
Projects must be completed within one year of receiving funding.

Details of the Fund:

Not-for-profit organisations can apply for up to $10,000 for projects that develop organisational capability. Larger amounts may be considered if the project has potential for signifcant and wide-reaching impact, is a collaboration of several youth organisations and will impact a large number of staff/volunteers.

The fund is open to not-for-profit organisations who provide services for the benefit of tamariki and rangatahi (children and young people). This should be demonstrated in your organisation’s key documents such as your constitution, trust deed or your strategic plan.

We are unlikely to fund sporting clubs or education providers under this fund as other funding is available for this purpose.

It is expected that your organisation will make a minimum 20% contribution to the total cost of the project. This contribution could include funding from other sources or your own cash resources, or could be support in kind such as staff time. Please outline this contribution within your budget.

Youth Capability

What we might fund:

  • Cultural capability development of your staff, board and volunteers;
  • Development work and support systems to enable youth to contribute to governance positions in your organisation;
  • Organisational reviews or audits with the view to quality improvement;
  • Establishing policies and processes to reduce your organisation’s carbon footprint;
  • Professional development and training for management, staff, governance groups and volunteers;
  • Strategic and business planning which supports long term sustainability;
  • Quality improvement such as examining and implementing new organisational policies, practices and systems;
  • Establishment of processes or systems that allow youth to have a voice in service planning and delivery. E.g. Establishing a youth advisory group, establishing co-design policies and processes;
  • Investigating ways to diversify your organisation’s income streams;
  • Development of local professional networks across the sector;
  • Support for youth workers to gain their youth worker qualification and or competencies;
  • Building knowledge and skills to help your organisation to run more effectively (both at management and/or governance level);
  • Exploring opportunities for collaborative partnerships;

Meeting Room

This fund is not available for:

  • Increasing capability by hiring staff for regular operations.
  • Capital expenditure (other grants are available for this purpose).
  • Subsidising shortfalls or other operational funding.
  • Allowances, wages or personal expenses for staff, governance groups or volunteers.
Download and Share: Tamariki & Rangatahi Sector Capability Fund Overview


For more information on our please contact:

Sue Stewart
Grants Manager
Phone: 0800 10 12 40