Otago Community Trust Research
Outlined below are links to research reports commissioned by Otago Community Trust.

OCT Sport and Recreation - Sector Scan and Review 2022
2022 PDF 9051 KB
The Otago Community Trust is a significant supporter of the sport and recreation sector. To maximise the effectiveness of its funding of the sector, in 2021 the Trust requested a scan of the sector to understand the current and anticipated future shape and state of sport and recreation.

Impact for Otago Youth - A Scoping Report for the Otago Community Trust
2019 PDF 860 KB
Impact for Otago Youth report provides you with valuable insights into how Otago Community Trust may fund change and improve the wellbeing of our youth in the future.

2016 PDF 774 KB
A review of grant making into the Otago Community Trust region for 2015.
Sector Publications
There are many research studies and publications that profile various sector specific issues. Below we have provided links to a few key documents that may benefit our community groups.

'Be the Change: Funding and Equity’
2022 PDF 872 KB
Hui E! is partnering with Dunedin Community Builders (DCB) to officially launch the resource ‘Be the Change: Funding and Equity’ with a community hui on Wednesday 28 September in Ōtepoti.

Time to Shine_A survey of Aotearoa New Zealand’s community sector on the impacts of COVID‐19FullReport
2020 PDF 554 KB
This report details the findings of a survey of Aotearoa New Zealand’s tangata whenua, community and voluntary sector in May-June 2020 on the impacts of COVID-19.

Volunteering New Zealand - State of Volunteering
2020 PDF 351 KB
Volunteering New Zealand’s State of Volunteering Survey explores the volunteering landscape in New Zealand, providing an annual and useful snapshot that can be used to develop effective short and long term strategies.

The New Zealand Support Report
2020 PDF 1193 KB
The report looks at the income the for-purpose sector received from philanthropy and grantmaking in 2018, including types of givers and a breakdown of the causes receiving it.

Thriving Rangatahi: A Review of Protective and Risk Factors
2020 PDF 10379 KB
This resource presents findings from a literature review undertaken to identify protective and risk factors for young people in Aotearoa. The review prioritises recent literature with relevance to Aotearoa New Zealand context and where possible draws on literature that privileges the voices of young people.

Covid-19 2021 Delta Outbreak Noho Rāhui: A Snapshot from the community-based social services perspective
2021 PDF 797 KB
This paper provides a snapshot of insights drawn from SSPA’s mahi with a range of our member organisations during August-September 2021, during the Delta Covid-19 outbreak and noho rāhui.